BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:3.0 PRODID:-//class_vCard from WhatsAPI//NONSGML Version 1//EN REV:2025-03-07 03:10:34 FN:Web ID N:Web;ID TITLE:The Future Is Passwordless PHOTO;TYPE=JPG;ENCODING=BASE64:PCFET0NUWVBFIGh0bWw+CjxodG1sIGxhbmc9ImVuIj4KICA8aGVhZD4KICA8L2hlYWQ+CiAg PGJvZHk+CiAgPC9ib2R5Pgo8L2h0bWw+ NOTE:


We believe in a passwordless future. We believe in a future where your data is owned and controlled by you, and only you.


Webcard.ID is a step towards that future. By setting up your Biometric ID you can quickly and easily gain passwordless access to sites and apps that integrate the Webcard.ID login.


If you build apps or websites and want to join our beta programme, get in touch.


If you want to have seamless, passwordless access to your Webcard App and to a host of other services in the future, set up your Webcard.ID Biometric Identity today - just download the Webcard App and get going.


Welcome to the future